Have you ever considered, how your bank is investing your money?
If someone wants to invest his/her money by promoting positive areas (environmental, or social issues) or excluding others like polluting industries etc., he/she has very limited opportunities for this in Hungary. The aim of our Ökobank/Eco-bank programme is to raise awareness on the impacts of personal financial decision, and the sustainability aspects of financial questions. We organized conferences inviting experts, civil organizations, and university scientist, published a booklet “Environmental aspects of private financial matters”. Participating in an international research project, the credit politics of the 6 largest Hungarian bank was investigated, and ranked according to sustainability criteria, and the results were published in the “Banks in the focus” booklet. A board game (“Greenopoly- Responsible household”) was created and distributed to schools and civic organizations. In cooperation with Patria Cooperative Bank, responsible, ethical financial products were designed and launched.
More information (in Hungarian): www.okotakarek.hu